Final Submission Failed

Hello! I have been trying to submit my submission zip file since yesterday but failed. Every time I try to submit, a ‘Schedule Maintenance’ message is showing up.

Sorry to bother you, but I had to as the deadline is approaching!


@rubai_du Thanks for bringing this up! We’re happy to help. Is it still failing if you try to submit today? Could you try to submit using a different internet browser?

We haven’t identified anything yet on our end that would have caused the failed submission, but we’ll keep looking into it.

@rubai_du How large was your submission zip file? It’s possible the submission failed because the file was too large.

  1. tried again today with both Chrome and Edge. unfortunately, still same result: ‘Schedule maintenance’
  2. My zip file size: 14.4 MB, well below the 100 MB limit.
    Thank you !

@rubai_du Thanks for the update! We’re still looking into whether something could have caused this on our end. We appreciate the work you’ve done on the competition, and don’t want a platform bug stopping you from sharing it.

What happens if you try to submit from a different computer and/or on a different internet connection?

In the meantime, a couple general things that may be worth checking:

  • The submission includes all of the correct files based on the submission format
  • The zipfile is not corrupted, and can be opened programmatically (eg. with zipfile.Zipfile)
  • The internet connection is strong enough to transmit the submission file

@rubai_du Would you be willing the share the submission file outside of the competition platform? This will help us figure out why the submission is failing. You can email it to us at info [at] drivendata [dot] org, or share it with something like a Google drive link.

We won’t consider what you send to be your final submission or evaluate your performance based on it, so it’s alright if the submission is not 100% final.

Already shared a Google Drive link with Thanks for your relentless support

Also facing the similar problem while trying to submit from another computer.

Yes, I too tired from two different laptops - Windows as well as Mac OS.

@rubai_du Thanks for sending your submission! It looks like the submission contains three files: visual_demo.mp4, summary.pdf, and report.pdf.

The issue is that the submission is missing an image. This is a required part of the submission, and must be named either visual.png, visual.jpg, visual.jpeg, or visual.pdf. ( @jyoti-bhogal this is the same reason why your submission was getting an error.) The image is required even if you are also submitting a visual demo video.

A submission is required to have two files:

  • An image of your visual (visual.png, visual.jpg, visual.jpeg, or visual.pdf)
  • A summary (summary.pdf)

In addition, you are also allowed to include:

  • A detailed report (report.pdf or report.mp4)
  • A video demo (visual_demo.mp4)

I hope this is helpful! Please let us know if you are still having trouble, we’re happy to help.

Finally, it worked ! Take my gratitude.
Regards! :slight_smile:

:tada: :tada: Excellent! My pleasure.


I’ve also being trying to submit my teams zip, and we get the same issue. Should we send also an email with a google drive link?

Josue and team

Hi @josuemtzmo

What is the error message you are seeing? Are you seeing the scheduled maintenance error, or something different?

Most of the other issues we’ve heard about from participants have been because of missing files, so the first step I’d recommend is double checking that your submission meets the competition format.

The root cause of the “Scheduled maintenance” error appears to be slow upload. If you are able to access a faster internet connection, and one that does not operate through a VPN, that may address the issue.

If your team still cannot submit due to a “Scheduled maintenance” error, please reach out and let us know – we’re here to help.

It appears that the issue was because we used the Mac compress option, rather than the python compression suggested in the instructions. Once we did it with python the file was uploaded.
Thanks for the support!
Josue and team!

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Dear @kwetstone,

Thank you so much for the detailed steps and the quick response :slight_smile:
I have been able to successfully submit my zipped folder.

Appreciate your help!

Please share what you did to resolve this issue with me because I’m facing the same issue. Thanks.

@JoyceChindong consul you please show a screenshot of the error you are facing? Probably @kwetstone would be able to help if you share screenshot.

If the issue u r facing is 'schedule maintenance ’ message, try ur submission frm another pc and keep all the files needed (i.e.- image, summary, report(if submitting for the best overall prize) demo vdo etc) in the zipped file. In my case, it bypassed the maintenance pblm and resolved the issue.
Good luck

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