Final submission keep getting fail

We tried every possible way that is given in other threads to upload the project, but it is still showing the site as a maintenance error.
Zip file size: 55MB
zip file contains: report.pdf (4 Pages)
summary.pdf (Under 1800 character)
visual.pdf (251 Pages)
visual_demo.mp4 (2:59 Minutes)

@Garv_Saxena I’m sorry to hear that you’re running into this problem. We’re happy to help.

A few suggestions:

  • The image (visual.pdf) is intended to be a single static image of your project, and I would strongly encourage your team to shorten it from 251 pages a single page or two. Additional information should go in the report and visual demo. A smaller visual.pdf file may help with the upload speed.
  • The file compression may be more efficient if you create your zip file using Python or the command line. There are instructions for both of these compression methods on the problem description page.

If you continue to be unable to submit, your team is welcome to send your final submission over email to info [at] drivendata [dot] org. As long as it is sent before the competition closes, and meets the submission format requirements, we’ll consider it your team’s official submission.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any other questions!

Hello, and thank you for your reply.
But we tried every method of creating the zip with Python with different software and inbuilt operating system methods, but nothing got uploaded.
And on reducing the size of pages, I think we can’t do it because we worked on more than six countries.
I think we will keep getting the error because of the large file size.

Can you please tell us the official email format in which we can send it? Also, the email has a limit of 25MB, so I’m thinking of uploading the zip file to Google Drive and then adding the link to the email.

thank you

@Garv_Saxena You are welcome to send the submission as a Google drive link in an email. The email address is info [at] drivendata [dot] org – it is the email address listed on our contact us page, as well as in the “scheduled maintenance” error message.

The judges will likely not consider the full 250 pages of visual.pdf during the evaluation process, as that component of the submission was meant to be a single image. However, they will consider the full report and video demo (as long as they are under the length requirements). I would encourage your team to shorten visual.pdf as much as possible, and put any critical information about your work in the report and video demo.

Thank you for you respone. it helped a lot.

Happy to help! If you send over a submission by email, just let me know and I can confirm that we received it.

Hello, thank you very much for your help. We emailed our project with the attached file link.
Team name: Planet Pioneers
Email Sender name: Garv Saxena
Time: January 26, 2024, 11:38 PM IST

Thank you once again :smiley:

@Garv_Saxena we received your team’s submission in an email from @Anonymous008 , and will consider that to be your final submission. I do not believe we received a later email from @Garv_Saxena

If you would like to update your submission before the deadline, you can either upload it to the competition platform or send a follow-up email. If you do, please let me know in the forum.

Hello! Our team also faced a similar problem and submitted via email. We used to make that submission. Please let us know if you have received it and if the files meet the submission criteria.

Hello! Our team also faced a similar problem and submitted via email. We used to make that submission. Please let us know if you have received it and if the files meet the submission criteria. Thanks

So, can you please tell us that, is our project approved?