Looking for interested team members

Hi! I am Nicholas and its my first hackathon. I am a computer science undergraduate with basic knowledge of data science. Message me if interested!

Hii, i am tushar doing my computer science undergrad currently in my freshman year. I know basic c++ html and css. I have a inclination towards the climate action topic

I am a physics major student in my third year. I want to join your group. I am very interested in solving those problems. I have no experience of coding, but I will help you solving the problem

Hello! I’m an physics engineer students and I’m very excited to work in this project.
I’m in a junior enterprise whose core business is space technology and I am working in a CubeSat project and in a experiment for gamma ray detection to go in the space rider.
As a result, I have experience with many softwares and great capability to adapt to technology. I have experience with Python, C++, Matlab.
Email me if you’re interested: arcmoura@gmail.com