@mike-dd I have been trying to submit the End Phase 1 submission but the webpage seems to be stuck forever. Is this a known issue? Do you have any other submission methods? Many thanks!
@mike-dd @glipstein I have been trying hard to make the End Phase 1 submission but the webpage seems to be stuck forever and eventually shows an error “Maintenance - be right back”. However I was able to complete the daily submission without any problem. Do you have any other methods for submitting the End Phase 1 submission? Many thanks!
A few users have mentioned this for large files. For anyone having trouble with this, email us at info@drivendata.org and we will make sure your submission is represented.
Edit to add: when you email us, if you share a link to a Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, etc file so we can download it that would be helpful.
Thanks a lot for your reply! After many trials, I was finally able to submit it successfully.
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