I am getting this error from a smoke test but can’t find what’s wrong with my output – the structure looks correct when comparing to the sample. Any help would be appreciated!
Process completed successfully. Check the ‘submission.csv’ file for output.
# Collect the results in a list
'note_id': row['note_id'],
'start': row['start'],
'end': row['end'],
'concept_id': concept_id
# Convert the list of records to a DataFrame
output_df = pd.DataFrame(output_records)
logging.info("Entities linked to SNOMED codes successfully.")
# Save the DataFrame to a CSV file in the root directory
output_df.to_csv('submission.csv', index=False)
logging.info("Results saved to 'submission.csv'.")
I’ll keep looking at it, but any additional insight would be great if you have it.
The only difference I can find is I’m getting CRLF for newline character instead of LF in the sample, but I’d assume that’s because I’m running on Windows locally and the cloud execution would output LF? Otherwise I don’t see anything.