Submission is not unpacking zip file - zip file size limit?

When I try to submit my zip file, it is uploaded but then nothing happens. I get the following log before it times out:

  • cd /code_execution
    ++ zip -sf ./submission/

I suspect it might be because my zip file is too large as it is 10 GB but I’ve read in the discussion people successfully submitting zip files of 30 GB and 50 GB. Any ideas what is happening or if there is a file limit? Thanks!

@markusbauer8 10GB should be well within what you can upload. Are there are any other logs that you see? If you aren’t able to upload 10GB, it could mean your internet connection is not strong enough. Do you have access to another stronger network to try?

I don’t think the issue is with uploading. It is able to upload in about 30 minutes. It begins execution on the compute cloud and then times out. I tried again and got this log before it timed out:

  • main
  • tee /code_execution/submission/log.txt
  • cd /code_execution
    ++ zip -sf ./submission/

I’ve also tried submitting just the file and that seemed to work, but when I include my model files, it times out.

@markusbauer8 Your last few submissions failed because they ran for too long, and exceeded the 10 minutes allowed for smoke tests. You should see a message like this on the “Code jobs” tab:

If you don’t see that message anywhere let me know.

From the logs, it looks like your submission did not unzip correctly. Is it possible there is an issue with the zip file itself? Can you test that you are able to unzip it locally at the command line?

It was an issue with the zip file, got it working. Thanks!

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