Problem with coordinate transformation

I’ve been trying to fix the following problem for 1 week:
Transform from epsg: 4326 to epsg: 32616 but, the coordinates in and is outdated, I have not found the way that the data overlaps well in the image, does anyone have any idea what we are doing wrong?

“we are working in Matlab”

Check in the benchmark blog post’s,section of “Visualize Training data”, and you can get it how to do it.
You mostly have to rotate the x and y axis to make it overlap well.


the blog code is similar to the one I have and it works the same with the maps “borde_rural” and “borde_soacha”, but, when I use it with mixco_3 I have those problems I already made rotations in x and Y, also projecting to wgs 84 in the area of map, curiously it works for the Y coordinate but for the x coordinate follows the offset .

Fisinfor Group