Hello wonderful solvers!
My name’s Will, and I’m Competition Director at altLabs, the sponsor for the Genetic Engineering Attribution Challenge.
We’re a little over halfway through the competition now, with just under four weeks to go until submissions to the Prediction Track are closed and submissions to the Innovation Track open. Since the Innovation Track has less of a standard format than the Prediction Track, now seems like a good time to open the floor to your questions, to help make sure people know what they need to do to compete in that track, and what to expect from the assessment process.
I intend to start answering questions on Monday, September 28th, at midday BST. I’m posting this here to enable people to think about what they’d like to ask, and to post their questions in advance if they feel like it. I plan to do most of my answering on the 28th; after that I’ll continue checking this thread periodically but it may take me longer to respond to new questions.
Please feel free to ask anything you like about the Innovation Track. You can also ask questions related to the Prediction Track, but I’ll prioritise those below Innovation Track questions.