Empty data folder on Docker and upload at 0%


I’m trying to run the example main.py within the docker environment, and get an error that the files in data/ are missing. Indeed, when I do “make interact-container” and look at the folder, it is empty. What am I doing wrong?

Nonetheless, I’m trying to upload a submission for a smoke test. The upload doesn’t seem to move beyond 0%. The file is 6.7G - is that too big?

Thank you.

@YonatanBilu To run a submission locally, you need to add files to the data folder. In the code execution environment, the /data folder will contain test set features and the submission format. For more details, see the runtime repository README.

The runtime container has access to a single GPU with 16GB VRAM, and 8 vCPUs with 56 GB VRAM. Your 6.7G submission should not be too big. How long does it stay at 0% upload? Uploading the submission will take time, so it’s possible it’s just slow to upload.


I was able to upload ok from my local computer. Before I tried to upload from google cloud and it stayed at 0% for about one hour, so I’m guessing the problem is with my configuration there.

Regarding the /data folder, within the docker environment, the directory exists but it’s read only (and empty), so I can’t put the files there. Ofc, I can run it locally but I thought the idea was to use docker to simulate the environment used in the actual test.

Hi @YonatanBilu , that’s correct - if you put the files in your local data/ folder, the Docker container (which is configured to mimic the actual competition runtime, just without the data) will use the files from there. Let me know if you have any more issues!