Announcement: Update to Submission Deadline

Hello PETs Prize Challenge participants,

Thanks to all teams for participating in Phase 2 of the challenge. Challenge organizers have decided to keep Phase 2 submissions open for an additional two days, through January 26, 2023 at 11:59:59 pm UTC. (Please, as before, note the timezone!) We have seen a high amount of submission load in the last few days, and the wait times have made it challenging for some teams to get their submissions in. There will not be any more extensions—you must submit all required materials by the new deadline.

We expect that the load on the evaluation cluster will continue to be high. Please show courtesy to other teams by not submitting unnecessary jobs and canceling any jobs that will obviously fail. Submissions do have time limits—if your job is obviously not on track to finish by the associated time limit, please cancel it. Remember that you can also test things out locally—the Docker images used by the evaluation runtime are publicly available and can be pulled for local use. See the runtime repository README for details.

As a reminder, your team must submit the following three items by the deadline to qualify for prize consideration: (1) Federated solution code successfully run on hosted infrastructure; (2) Centralized solution code successfully run on hosted infrastructure; (3) Documentation ZIP archive containing your updated technical report and a code guide. See the table at the end of this email for direct links to the relevant forms.

Evaluation jobs that are submitted before the deadline and successfully complete after the deadline will be accepted. If you need to make changes to which submission is selected for final consideration but cannot do so because the deadline has passed, please email

If your team has reached the 3 submission cap for a given submission type by the time of this announcement, and you would like to update your submission with the additional time, please reach out with a detailed explanation and challenge organizers will follow up.

If you have any questions, please reach out on the community forum, via the NIST Slack channel, or by email to Please also see the previous announcement email “Making final submissions” sent on January 18 which has other details about the submission process.

The following table has direct links to each track’s submission forms:

U.S. Track A: Financial Crime Prevention U.S. Track B: Pandemic Forecasting U.K. Track A: Financial Crime Prevention U.K. Track B: Pandemic Forecasting
1. Executable federated solution code - Submission form - Submission selection - Submission form - Submission selection - Submission form - Submission selection - Submission form - Submission selection
2. Executable centralized solution code - Submission form - Submission selection - Submission form - Submission selection - Submission form - Submission selection - Submission form - Submission selection
3. Documentation ZIP archive - Submission form - Submission form - Submission form Submission form

Thank you to everyone for participating, and thanks to all teams that have gotten completed submissions in. Good luck!

–The DrivenData Team

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