About the Pale Blue Dot category

This category is for posts about the Pale Blue Dot Challenge. Please keep all posts here specific to the competition.

To start a new thread, click the [+ New Topic] button and make sure that the Pale Blue Dot Challenge category is selected in the dropdown menu.

Looking for teammates

Participants are encouraged to look for teammates through the competition forum. To get started, head over to the thread dedicated to posts looking for teammates. You can post that you are looking for a teammate, or reach out to other participants who have already posted.

To connect with another participant

  1. Navigate to a post from that participant

  2. Click on their username. This will open a pop-up with their profile so you can learn a little more about them!

  3. Click on the “Message” button in the pop-up. You’ll then be able to contact them directly through the forum. Once you’ve connected, feel free to share info and move to your own communications platform of choice.

To update your profile

Fill out your profile to let potential teammates know a little more about your background, your strengths, and your interests.

  1. Click on your user icon at the top right of the page. In the dropdown menu, click on the icon of a person and select “Preferences”.


  1. Navigate to the “Profile” tab, and fill in the “About me” section.

what should be the minimum size of team ?

Minimum size of the team is four.

That is the maximum size! Your team may have 1-4 members.

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