About External Data

Can we use the DISC21 dataset for training?

Yes, you can use the DISC21 dataset! As an aside, the challenge baseline solution uses a model trained on that dataset.

ok, thanks for your reply!

Hi, may I ask what kind of license should be provided If I use external dataset.

Hi @sheep-

The competition rules page has more information about the requirements for external data. Specifically:

Top performing Participants will be required to certify in writing that they have permission to use all External Data used to develop potentially winning Submissions, and may be required to provide documentation demonstrating such permission to Competition Sponsor’s satisfaction.

You should provide the license associated with any external dataset you use, and ensure that the license gives you the ability to use the dataset for the purposes of this competition.

Please let me know if you have any follow-up questions!


Hi @chrisk-dd
Thanks for your reply, If I use some external dataset such as VSCL with extracted feature vector and labels, this dataset with a MIT license and could be freely used, but the license of the source video is various and uncertain. Can I use this dataset?

Hi @sheep-

Participants will need to determine whether their use of a proposed external data set for the competition is permitted under the data set’s license. External data requirements are detailed in the Official Rules and any licenses need to permit use for the purposes of participating in a prize competition. Potential winners will be asked to certify that any external data they used complies with the requirements in the competition official rules.