Using UCI data to achieve 0.1311 on LB, just for fun here

Using UCI data to achieve 0.1311 on LB, just for fun here :wink:

import pandas as pd

source = pd.read_csv(“”)
test = pd.read_csv(“”)

source.columns = [“monthsF”, “donations”, “volumnCC”, “monthL”, ‘target’]
test.columns = [“id”, “monthsF”, “donations”, “volumnCC”, “monthL”]

source = source.astype(str)
source[“target”] = pd.to_numeric(source[“target”])
test = test.astype(str)

source[“combined”] = source.apply(lambda x: “-”.join([x[“monthsF”], x[“donations”], x[“volumnCC”], x[“monthL”]]), axis = 1)
mydict = dict(source.groupby([“combined”])[“target”].mean())

test[“combined”] = test.apply(lambda x: “-”.join([x[“monthsF”], x[“donations”], x[“volumnCC”], x[“monthL”]]), axis = 1)
test[“Made Donation in March 2007”] = list(test.combined.apply(lambda x: mydict))

test[[“id”, “Made Donation in March 2007”]].to_csv(“using_uci_data.csv”, index = False)

Wow ruining the leaderboard of a competition. So much fun that must be…

nice! i will download it and give it a try. good idea!