Track B: clarification over target label

Hi @domdathan,

Here is a response to a related question that we had provided to another team:

We have confirmed with the data provider that the target represents a transition to the “I” or infected state in the final/target week. Therefore, anyone who is in state “I” before the final week, and continues to be in state “I” in the target week, should not be labeled as “Infected” in “va_disease_ outcome_target.csv”. It does appear that there is one mistake; the person with pid = 5614899 transitioned to state “I” on day 53, and therefore should have an indicator value of “0” in the ground truth table, but is instead labeled “1”.

If it is the case also that there is a small number of individuals who are status R and have been labeled as 1 in the test ground truth, you should consider it to be an error in the dataset and label noise. Per this thread, state transitions after R are not allowed.

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