Regarding Release of Public dataset and winning solutions

Hello all,
Thank you you for organising a nice competition. As a student I got to learn a lot during the competition.

If you could clarify an expected data of release for the public dataset and winning solutions, that would be really nice. I am eager to see what the winners tried and would like to try that myself :slight_smile:

Thank you.

Hi @Mahadev, glad to hear you enjoyed the competition! The winning solutions in an open source github repo along with a summary blog post should be available before the end of June. The public dataset release has to go through French regulatory approval, so unfortunately I can’t give you a specific timeline on that one.

Hi @emily thank you for the reply.

Hello @emily,
I want to ask the following regarding the data availability. We are looking to participate to the 36th European Conference of pathology and we would like to present and submitt our methodology and results using the training dataset only since test is not yet released. Is that allowed?

Thank you,

Hi @Georkaly1 – I’ve reached out to VisioMel to ask but haven’t heard back yet. As it stands, the data is only approved for use for the purpose and duration of the challenge, so that wouldn’t cover conferences or publication.