I’m trying to read the data in order while following the blogspost: The BioMassters Challenge - Benchmark - DrivenData Labs
s3Path = 's3://drivendata-competition-biomassters-public-eu/train_features/';
exampleS1Path = fullfile(s3Path, 'train_features', '0a8b6998_S1_00.tif');
exampleS1 = imread(exampleS1Path);
But I’m getting an error that I need to set the AWS secret_access_key and key_id.
Reason: Location 's3://drivendata-competition-biomassters-public-eu/train_features/train_features/0a8b6998_S1_00.tif' requires credentials. You must setup an AWS credentials file, or set the environment variables
So I did attempt to do that, according to this post
Given that this is not required, I set them to empty
> setenv('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', '');
> setenv('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY', '');
This attempt failed as well. It’s not clear to me what parameter I have to pass to imread
function to make it work.