Question for final phase

As said in the rule:

Participants will have the opportunity to make up to ***three*** submissions against a new, unseen test set. Performance against this new test set will be used to determine rankings for prizes.

However, I find

You have already selected the maximum ***1*** submission for consideration. New submissions will be unselected until you unselect at least one selected submission.

I am curious about how many different submissions could be considered in the final phase.

Hey @wenhaowang-

This is an error and ambiguity on our part. You will be able to submit up to three different submissions for Phase 2, selected from your submissions to Phase 1. I apologize for the lack of clarity and I will update the language so that this is more clear.

Also, it is important to note that it will be your responsibility to ensure that the models and code you upload to Phase 2 are identical to those submitted in Phase 1


Thank you for this clarification. It is super clear now.