Last prescreen submissions due 7pm ET Monday 2/15

Hi all–

This is just a heads up that the open arena will be closing soon, this coming monday, at 8pm ET. We’re going to accept submissions to DP prescreening right up to the wire, or a least, very close to it.

So if you’re not in the prescreened arena yet, as long as you submit your prescreening write-up by 7pm ET this coming monday, Feburary 15th… and as long as that algorithm passes the differential privacy prescreen (no significant errors or obvious mistakes)… we’ll admit you to the prescreened arena and you can work on a final submission.

When doing a prescreen algorithm write-up, remember to state clearly how you address the fact that one individual can contribute up to seven records to the data (at most one record per year) in your sensitivity computations. That can get tricky to think through correctly, so the more you break it down into simple explicit steps, the more likely you are to catch any mistakes before we do.