Issues with downloading CDEC data

Is anyone else unable to download CDEC data? The link provided in the Approved Data page is broken and the wsfr_download does not appear to work.

For example, I ran python -m wsfr_download cdec 2005 in my Python 10 environment within my local version of the repository and it just sits at 0% data loaded forever.

Would be nice if this could be sorted, as it is impossible to download the data without either access to the API or the bulk download.

On a similar note, I am no longer able to run the bulk download command: python -m wsfr_download bulk data_download/hindcast_test_config.yml

I was previously able to download it, back when it was just teleconnections and GRACE indicators. The recent updates seem to have rendered it unusable.

I get the error:

requests.exceptions.ChunkedEncodingError: (‘Connection broken: IncompleteRead(3564 bytes read, 1997 more expected)’, IncompleteRead(3564 bytes read, 1997 more expected))

I have all the required files downloaded and stored in the correct spot. Would like to know if anyone else is encountering this issue.

Hi @jitters,

I was able to just run the CDEC download without any issues. The CDEC website also loads fine for me. It’s possible they had a temporarily outage when you looked earlier. Please make sure you have the latest version of the code from the repository.

python -m wsfr_download cdec 2005 --no-skip-existing

On a similar note, I am no longer able to run the bulk download command: python -m wsfr_download bulk data_download/hindcast_test_config.yml

I was previously able to download it, back when it was just teleconnections and GRACE indicators. The recent updates seem to have rendered it unusable.

I get the error:


The bulk command simply runs through all of the data sources one at a time. If you are encountering an error, you will need to indicate which data source you encountered the error with. Providing the error information alone isn’t sufficient for troubleshooting. The log statements should make it clear which data source was actively being downloaded when you encountered the error.