Fastest algorithm additional points

I have a question, Are there any additional points to the competitors who developed the fast algorithms ?

Hi @Mohammed_ayman, for the Pose Estimation track there is a bonus prize for the fastest solution of the winning solutions, which is addressed here:

The most useful algorithms for inspector spacecraft will be both accurate and fast. A bonus prize of $3,000 will be awarded to the prize-winning pose estimation solution that runs fastest on the actual hardware that the R5 spacecraft, which is demonstrating inspection technologies, uses (UP-CHT01-A20-0464-A11), to encourage solvers to experiment with methods that make their solutions run faster. The top three solutions from the private leaderboard will be run on a UP-CHT01, and the solution that generates inferences about a representative test set fastest will win this bonus prize.

Edited to add: the object detection track has a similar bonus prize.

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thanks for your clarification.

I see for the Detection Track too:

The most useful algorithms for inspector spacecraft will be both accurate and fast. A bonus prize of $2,000 will be awarded to the prize-winning object detection solution that runs fastest on the actual hardware that

@tiesp Yes, this is correct. Edited my post to make that clear.

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