The Torchgeo dataloaders are cool, it allows you to very easily change the patch size and get samples on the fly. However, to benefit from this functionality you would first need to mosaic the provided patches. I am currently experiencing projection issues with the data.
Yeah, I think torchgeo is great for the general case where you are reading from a large satellite image/raster, and want to pick sensible patches, especially if multiple rasters are involved, but as the images here are already patched sensibly, it’s not that useful.
Nice to see you here heng! May you explain what “use max/softmax pooling at the head” means? It means to aggregate all the months by using the maximum instead of the mean? or it means to tweak the architecture replacing the segmentation head with a max pool layer? (not only for testing but also for training)?
Using weights from a model trained on another Sentinel dataset is a good idea, but my understanding is that it would violate the contest rules, since you are not allowed to use any external data. See Competition: The BioMassters