Release of winning solutions?

Is it the norm for people to share their solutions/models once the competition has closed?
Really curious to see how people have approached it.


Just adding that I would like to see solutions as well!

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I’d also like hearing about other people’s solutions. There’s not much reason to do these contests if you don’t learn from other people.

Might as well share what I did…
Started with pre-trained ResNet and retrained it (allowing all the weights to be modified, not just the final layer as per normal transfer learning). Then used this as a feature extractor for various classifiers (tried XGBoost, SVM and a simple neural network). Ended up combining them into a simple averaging ensemble. Just about good enough to get in the top 50!

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Interesting. I’m afraid I didn’t have time or the hardware to fiddle with big neural networks so I just extracted some simple features from average colour, roof shape and location and ended up with a very similar score to you. Location was a pretty important feature. My solution sounds rather orthogonal to yours - perhaps some joint image neural network and location/shape features would do well.

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Hi all - Absolutely. The winning license type for this competition is open source, meaning that the prize-winning solutions will be released under an open source license for anyone to use and learn from. We’ll be announcing the results and sharing the solutions as soon as all the prizes are finalized.

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