Whether the script to submit the track2 h5 file is the same as phase 1, except for the query IDs. That means it will be something like this:
import h5py
import numpy as np
from isc.io import read_descriptors, write_hdf5_descriptors
name_r, M_ref = read_descriptors(['features/xxx.hdf5'])
name_q, M_query = read_descriptors(['features/xxx.hdf5'])
qry_ids = ['Q' + str(x).zfill(5) for x in range(50_000, 100_000)]
ref_ids = ['R' + str(x).zfill(6) for x in range(1_000_000)]
out = './submit_track2_visionforce.h5'
with h5py.File(out, "w") as f:
f.create_dataset("query", data=M_query)
f.create_dataset("reference", data=M_ref)
f.create_dataset('query_ids', data=qry_ids)
f.create_dataset('reference_ids', data=ref_ids)
Thanks, @mike-dd