If some one is Interested in forming a team and Fight Dengue together please comment your usernmes.
I am looking for a team, my username is Rakesh_Kumar, I am new to AI, Hope I learn something together, Let’s make a great team.
I am interested. My username is Osho.
i want to be a part of team
I am interested too. My account: ramil89
me too. my current score is 27.1995.my username : rj33536
Me too, if you’re still looking for members.
I’m interested, my username is abhishek-karande
I’m interested, my name is Aditya_Parida
Interested! my username is markapp
hey @rhythm_123 yes lets
Would like to join your team
I’m down. Let’s work together.
ok guys lets try to cooperate. its my first time taking part in a competition like this and i just finish a couple of machine learning courses in datacamp. lets set up a communication channel and start exchanging ideas ? does anyone have a plan about how to work on this ? looking forward to hear your inputs
I’m interested.Username SaqlainAI
Hi everyone I’m interested my username is akeel007
Hello everybody, I would glad to join a team my username is salim.houari
Hello everyone, This is the first time I am participating this kind of competitions. I have completed few courses in udemy and coursera. Please add me in your team. My username is namachivayam.
Hi Everyone. I’m interested. Please! My nameuse is jmarqsilva
I m looking for a team too. My email is ritarec@hotmail.com