How long does it take to train the U-net baseline from the benchmark on 1 GPU?

@Kushal_Gandhi can you tell me is it dedicated GPU or Google colab or Google Colab Pro ?

If not using the GPU, it could be long (usually long)

  • On the Google Colab Pro - with files in the session (means not loading from personal drive) takes - 5-7 mins. Mine was with benchmark code, resnet50 backbone and 10 as batch size . Also, look over a bit of discussion here - Submission Jobs failing because of CUDA out of memory, important take away is to have code change in place like @Max_Schaefer suggested.

  • On a dedicated GPU (1 with 24GB), I’m able to see again see below 5 mins with resnet50 backbone and 10 as batch size. Here lower the batch size, less memory it uses , good to keep in check if you are using a larger GPU box.

Hope this helps.