How long does it take the credential application to get reviewed?

It’s been three days, and I haven’t heard back from them, so I wonder if anyone else has received a revert yet.

Hi @niksss-

The team is aiming to deliver credentials within two business days. The team is also on GMT and there have been a few holidays, so depending when you submitted it’s possible a full business day has not yet elapsed. If you still have not heard anything by the end of the week, send a follow-up note to

Thank you for your patience.


Hi @ chirs, thank you.

Hey @chrisk-dd, I Still Haven’t received it. Also sent a followup mail to

Hello, me too. I submit on December 25 and I haven’t received the credentials.

Hi all,
Now the holidays are out of the way, we’ll chase up and see if we can get them processed asap.
Thanks for your patience.


hi, thank you my credentials have been accepted but not my training yet (Certification).

Ok, thanks for letting us know. Could you please email with your username details and we will do our best to get the certification processed.