SER_S1#B07#1#162 is images S1_B07_R1_PICT0483, 484 and 485 are a lioness in the dark.
SER_S1#D03#7#4 is images S1_D03_R7_PICT0010, S1_D03_R7_PICT0011 and S1_D03_R7_PICT0012 and a lioness walks in from the right.
SER_S1#D04#6#143 - tricky there might be something in the middle of the frameā¦
SER_S1#D05#5#312 in isolation for me could be a lion - but a couple of minutes later is certainly a gazelle so probably unlikely.
SER_S1#D06#2#295 looks empty.
I guess the quality of the labelling is part of the challenge.