Hi @mmiron,
A few notes regarding what you’ve mentioned:
- The discussion about efficiency vs. accuracy when selecting features is something we expect you to discuss in the Final Model Report. You’re encouraged to report and discuss these results in your report. While the format for the Final Report is not yet available, you can see similar questions listed in the format for the Hindcast Report. Judges will consider all of this holistically when reviewing your Final Report.
- If this is data that you are downloading data from the Planetary Computer, and it seems to be too slow or unreliable for the Forecast Stage, we are accepting requests to potentially have some direct access data sources be predownloaded to the mounted data drive.
- The 30 minute time limit is not a hard constraint and we may consider increasing it.
- I recall that you had this previous thread about working with netcdf data. You should make sure that you’re processing the data in an efficient manner. Converting gridded data to points in a geodataframe is likely not the best approach, and the suggestion that thread for using xarray will likely be a lot faster.