90.6%? May need the help of a stronger computer

I’m pretty new to machine learning and wanted to try my hand at this competition. I’ve received a score of 90.6% accuracy but I am unsure if this is accurate. My computer cannot handle the entire data set without pooping out (multinom doesn’t work) so I had to make a shortened data set of 500 observations. While I don’t believe I’ve lost statistical power, I would just like to know if anyone else can copy this same syntax, remove the "nrow = " function from the read.csv() command, and achieve a comparable level of accurately predicted values. Thanks so much! Also, sorry for the ugly formatting of the code - I’m not sure how to integrate the markdown into this discussion post

rm( list=ls())

if(!install.packages(‘car’)) { install.packages(‘car’) }
if(!install.packages(‘ggplot2’)) { install.packages(‘ggplot2’)}

library(car); library(ggplot2)

training set IV values

train1 <- read.csv( “your file path here\training set values.csv”,
nrow = 500) # need to cut some rows bc the large amt of cases was killing RStudio
head(train1, n=5)

training set labels (the DV for each observation in train1)

train2 <- read.csv(“your file path here\training set labels.csv”,
nrow = 500)
head(train2, n=5)

train.df <- merge(train1, train2, by = “id” )

train.df$funder <- as.character( train.df$funder )
train.df$installer <- as.character( train.df$installer )

train.df$funder <- toupper( train.df$funder ) # makes all observations uppercase
train.df$installer <- toupper( train.df$installer )

train.df$fun.ins.match <- (train.df$funder == train.df$installer) | ( # will print out either TRUE or FALSE
train.df$funder == “GOVERNMENT OF TANZANIA” & train.df$installer == “GOVER” ) | ( # if there are different variations of the same name
train.df$funder == “GOVERNMENT OF TANZANIA” & train.df$installer == “GOVERNMENT” ) |
substring( train.df$funder, 1, 5) == substring( train.df$installer, 1, 5) # if first 5 letters match

train.df$fun.ins.match <- car::recode( train.df$fun.ins.match, “‘FALSE’ = 0; ‘TRUE’ = 1” )

train.df$date_recorded <- substring( train.df$date_recorded, 1, 4) # keeps just the 1:4

values of the observations (which in this case are just the year numbers)

med1 <- median(train.df$construction_year, na.rm = TRUE )

train.df$construction_year <- car::recode( train.df$construction_year,
“0 = med1”)

train.df$date_recorded <- as.numeric( train.df$date_recorded )
train.df$yr.of.oper <- train.df$date_recorded - train.df$construction_year

train.df$public_meeting <- car::recode( train.df$public_meeting,
“‘True’ = 1; ‘False’ = 0” )

train.df$public_meeting <- as.numeric( as.character(train.df$public_meeting ))

train.df$public_meeting[is.na(train.df$public_meeting)] <- # recoding missing values to the median
median(train.df$public_meeting, na.rm = TRUE )

train.df$region_code <- train.df$region_code ^ 2
train.df$district_code <- train.df$district_code ^ 2
train.df$region.district <- train.df$region_code * train.df$district_code
train.df$region.district <- as.factor( train.df$region.district )

train.df$ward <- as.factor( train.df$ward )

train.df$scheme_name <- toupper( train.df$scheme_name )

train.df$permit <- car::recode( train.df$permit,
“‘True’ = 1; ‘False’ = 0” )

train.df$funder <- as.factor( train.df$funder )
train.df$installer <- as.factor( train.df$installer )
train.df$wpt_name <- as.factor( train.df$wpt_name )
train.df$scheme_name <- as.factor( train.df$scheme_name )

train.df$status_group <- car::recode( train.df$status_group,
“‘functional’ = 1;
‘functional needs repair’ = 2;
‘non functional’ = 3” )

train.df$payment <- car::recode( train.df$payment,
“‘pay when scheme fails’ = ‘on failure’;
‘pay monthly’ = ‘monthly’;
‘pay per bucket’ = ‘per bucket’;
‘pay annually’ = ‘annually’”)

train.df$payment <- as.character( train.df$payment )
train.df$payment_type <- as.character( train.df$payment_type )

nrow( train.df[train.df$payment != train.df$payment_type,]) # no. of rows when “payment” != “payment type”

equals 0, so we will remove “payment_type”

train.df$payment_type <- NULL
train.df$payment <- as.factor( train.df$payment )

summary(train.df$quality_group) # can be changed to numeric/ordinal

train.df$quality_group <- as.character( train.df$quality_group )
train.df$quality_group <- car::recode( train.df$quality_group,
“‘unknown’ = 0;
‘colored’ = 1;
‘milky’ = 2;
‘salty’ = 3;
‘good’ = 4;
‘fluoride’ = 5”)
train.df$quality_group <- as.numeric( train.df$quality_group )

nrow(train.df[train.df$quantity != train.df$quantity_group,]) # = 0 so I’ll remove one of them
train.df$quantity_group <- NULL

the model

summary( mlr1 <-
multinom( status_group~
data = train.df ))

train.df$preds <- predict( mlr1, train.df )

print( pred.test1 <-
nrow(train.df[train.df$status_group == train.df$preds, ]) # no. of rows where preds == actual for status

100 * ( pred.test1 / nrow(train.df)) # percentage of correct predictions

if you need more computing power, sign up for free trial of GCP and rent VMs. On AWS free trial, VMs(on AWS EC2) you get access to are very basic and i wouldn’t recommend them; and for Data Science, try jupyter notebook instances on AWS SageMaker, you get pretty good machine as part of free trial.
I haven’t tried other cloud platforms though.

This is a competition, do not put out your hard work.